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How to improve your recruitment process: 7 hiring tips.

Looking for ways to improve your recruitment process? Read our 7 hiring process tips that will show you how to improve your recruitment process and attract the best talent.
First off, don’t worry this isn’t another post designed to bash free fruit on your benefits page, or the beanbag chairs in your breakout zone – although while we’re on the subject I can categorically tell you no-one cares about either ;) 
While we can sit and laugh about six stage interview processes (it’s a thing) or how many times “exciting role” was used in the job spec/advert a bad hiring process culminates in one thing; recruitment woes.
If you are a hiring manager, work in HR, internal recruitment, or are simply looking for a new job, you’ll have already heard it a million times: “candidates in technology are interviewing you as much as you are interviewing them”. You don’t have to like it but it’s true.
What does this mean? Well, if your hiring process isn’t slicker than slick you’re going to struggle to hire the best people for your business, which is already difficult enough in a candidate driven market. Trust me, the best people aren’t on the market for long.
I’ve put together our Top 7 tips to improve your hiring process and attract the best talent for your business. Agree? Let me know in the comments!
Ways to improve your hiring process
Make your hiring process as slick as can be to attract and hire the best talent.

7 tips to improve your recruitment process:


1. If you like the first candidate you interview, hire them.

How this isn’t obvious we’ll never know. You may be tempted to wait and see what else out there, but if the first person you interview is what you are looking for, then don’t hesitate!

2. If you like the first candidate you interview, hire them!!

This one needs repeating (sorry, not sorry). Don’t keep good people waiting; newsflash, they won’t!!!
Hiring process tips: don't keep candidates waiting!
Don't keep good people waiting!

3. Don’t work with multiple agencies

A recruiter telling you not to use recruiters; yup, too many agencies means one thing, none of them will give you a good service. Find one that you align with and trust in them to bring you the best candidates. *cough* Bright Purple are pretty good.. *cough*. 

4. Agree on set feedback and interview dates when briefing a new job.

This will make everyone’s life so much easier, and it's fairer on the candidates.

5. Show off to your candidates as much as they are showing off to you. 

Candidates want to know they are making the right decision if offered the job, so be sure to tell them what makes your business great to work for. Why do your staff love working for you? Why did you join the company? This is what people want to hear.
Hiring tips: show off like this peacock!
Don't be afraid to show off what makes your company great to work for!

6. Don’t interview people with salary expectations you can’t or won’t match.

It is a waste of everyone’s time. If you can’t find someone with the skills you want for the salary you want to pay, then you aren’t offering enough.

7. Finally, if you think your hiring process might be broken…

It definitely already is.
If you only take one thing away from this article, I hope it’s that in a market where the demand for skilled talent is greater than supply and candidates have the luxury of choice, can you afford to make them wait..?
Your competition won’t.
Want to chat about how to improve your hiring process?
Contact Bright Purple to discuss your IT recruitment needs.
0131 473 7030


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